: : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : : - Fan Fiction Menu
f.a.n f.i.c w.r.i.t.e.r.s

Bill K.
Jackie Chiang
Kohaku Fujin
Minako Chan


This is the fan fiction section of Atosaki. We ask that you respect the fact that many of the authors have slaved over each and every one of their literary works; And yes, that's exactly what Sailormoon fan fiction is (and any fan fiction for that matter) -- a literary piece. And as such, please don't take any of the fan fics - whether to put on your own homepage, or to print out and distribute - without permission from the respective author. Futhermore, keep in mind that Sailormoon is the property of Takeuchi Naoko, DIC, Pioneer, and any other related companies. The authors have written their fan fics for the sole purpose of enjoyment, and receive no money or other types of profit from their work.

Now, with that copyright mumbo jumbo out of the way, I hope you enjoy some fantastic Sailormoon fan fiction in this section. The listings are currently in no specific order. If this section continues to grow, I will change the way the fan fics are listed, so that you can search for fan fics by author as well as by title. If you have any contributions, feel free to send 'em in! But first, don't forget to read the guidelines for submission! Once again, enjoy! ^-^

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