: : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : : - Credits
Did you really think that I was able to do this all on my own? ^-^;; There are lots of people out there that this site has to thank, so, here's a list of 'em. By the way, they're in no specific order.


  • Takeuchi-sensei: Arigatou a million times for creating such a wonderful anime. And for such great characters like Haruka. Need I say more? =P
  • Fan Artists: These have got to be some of the friendliest people in the world! Almost every request to use their fan arts was met with enthusiasm and, well, friendliness. Arigatou.
  • Fan Fic Writers: These people are just like those fan artists: Extremely friendly, and very, very nice people. A big thank you to you, too!
  • Fan Music Contributers: Sugoi! Sugoi! Fan music is so rare on the 'web, and I was just delirious with happiness when I found some Sailormoon fan music. Arigatou gozaimaz!


  • The Compleat Sailor Moon CD List: Although it's currently down, I downloaded many of my MP3s off of their site. Thank you for providing such a great service for us Sailormoon fans.
  • SailorMusic.net: Like The Compleat Sailormoon CD List, this website is chalk-full of Sailormoon MP3s. And it's been around for quite a whiles too. Arigatou for the hundreds of MP3s.


  • Manga Style!: This site is extremely well designed and chalk full of beautiful scans from the Sailormoon manga. Since I don't have much money for expensive image editing software, some of the transparent gifs I might use around this site come from Manga Style!. This site is well worth a visit!


  • Tripod.com: Hey, if it weren't for such a great webhost, Atosaki wouldn't exist.
  • HTMLGear.com: Provides the free guestbook that this site uses, and has a whole bunch of other cool features. Very useful for webmasters.
  • FastCounter.com: A very dependable counter. I've been using this counter for 3 years (on my old site), and it's very consistent and reliable.
  • WebRing.org: I suppose most people know of this service, considering how many webrings are out there. ^-^;; Anyway, Atosaki has its own webring, and WebRing.org provides the service.
  • Listbot.com: The free mailing list provider I use for making announcements about updates and other trivial things.
  • eXTReMe Tracking: A service I use to gather stats about this site. A miscellany, really, but very useful when designing a page, as it gives me a lot of info about site visitors (eg. browser version, screen resolutions, etc.).

: : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : :

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