Before you submit a fan fiction piece, just make sure you follow these simple rules:
- In the subject line, make sure Fan Fiction is somewhere in it. This just helps me organize everything more efficiently.
- If your fan fic is a hentai, please indicate so in the subect line as well. Typing hentai will suffice.
- If you have more than one fan fic, send them in separate e-mails.
- If your fan fic consists of more than one part, do the following: Fan Fiction: My Sailormoon Story - xx/yy Parts (This all goes in the subject box, by the way...^-^;;)
- Make sure the fan fic is in .txt (text) format. No other formats will be accepted!
- It's up to you as to whether you want the fan fic embedded in the actual e-mail message or sent as an attachment.
- That's all! If everything looks about right, e-mail it to me now! I'm always looking for new fan fic submissions. =)
: : Fan Fiction Menu : :
A.t.o.s.a.k.i : :