: : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : : - Sailormoon+Fandom+Webring - Updates |
September 17, 2000
I hate Yahoo!!! After their takeover of webring.org, I couldn't do anything with the webring: Couldn't login, couldn't edit info, the add form didn't work anymore. Arggg!!! Anyway, that's all been taken care of, as I've moved to a new service, at http://www.ringsurf.com. Their service is very similar to the old webring.org and I must say, a happy change from the monoply-wannabe Yahoo! Please sign up for the (new) webring if you're interested. September 1, 2000 Well, since this is an entirely new webring, everything you see here is new! =) So... everything's an update! ^-^ Have fun looking around, and if you have a homepage, hope you join the ring! |
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