October 21, 2001
@_@ As you can see, it's been almost a year since I last updated... Anyway, this one isn't much of an update either. Basically, I'm just letting y'all know that I'm still alive. ^^;;; I'm overloading on University courses this year, so I'll be busier than ever, but I just checked my e-mail and I can't believe people are still sending in fan art! =D I want to thank everyone who's sent anything in and I promise to update as soon as possible. I'm currently working on several other projects (eg. a site for my fan fiction and online manga, and also a Sailormoon fan club), so this site might be neglected for a while... Here are the things I have planned for this site in order of priority:
- moving this site off of tripod to a different webhost without ads
- adding new fan art and fan fiction (I have submissions dating back to last year... ^^;;;)
- changing the mp3 selection
- changing the layout of the site
Let me warn you though... don't expect the changes to come any time soon. ^^;;; If you'd like to know when the site is updated, please subscribe to the updates mailing list found on the main page. That's all for this update! Ja ne!
December 29, 2000
Wow, nearly two months since the last update... Anyway, some more fan art has been added.
October 14, 2000
Almost an entire month since the last update... Sorry! But, it's so hard to get off my lazy butt and do work! ^^;;; Also, I got a new computer and I'm still trying to transfer files from the old one to the new. This includes e-mail messages as well, so any old messages you sent may not have been received by me. Anyway, quite a few things added/changed this week so this is a pretty big update.
Fan Fiction: A new fan fic, "The Rei Series" has been added. It is written by MCRK and it's about the Inner Senshi's past lives and loves.
Fan Art: Oh! Some beautiful fan art was added this update. From the talented Anna comes some amazing pieces. If you're into Sailormoon fan art, do take a peek at Anna's gorgeous works.
On another note, I've also removed a webring html fragment from the webrings page because it's been nearly a month since I've been added to the ring, so...
September 17, 2000
Wow! It's been quite a while since the last update, eh? Gomen, gomen! ^^;;; I've been super busy with university and writing fan fics. Now, to the updates: Yahoo! merged with webring.org, and to make a long, aggravating story short, I've moved my webring to http://www.ringsurf.com. The service is better, if a little slower, and it allows more customization. So please, if you're interested in joining the webring, visit the ring homepage. Also, I've received permission from another fan fic author to host their work on my site, and the HTMLizing is underway. Expect a new fic up soon. That's all for now!
September 5, 2000
Yea!!! Another update! This time, I've added a new series to the Fan Fiction section. The new piece is by Minako Chan, named The Past. Also, three new Fan Artists have been feeatured. They are DKN-chan, Nepty, and Siti Nurul. Check out their awesome works!
September 1, 2000
It's a new site! Everything's updated! =) Hope you enjoy this new creation of mine. And feedback, suggestions, comments, etc. are always welcomed! -- KikiKaka